
Tuesday, October 23, 2012

SA Curve Ruler Giveaway!

I've always wanted to host a giveaway and, thanks to Claire at SA Curve, it's happening this week! Claire designs these great rulers for adding seam allowances to patterns. They are perfect for tracing from multisized patterns and adding the seam allowance at the same time. Claire was kind enough to share a couple of her 5/8" rulers with me - one to keep and one to give away. Tracing from multisized, overlapping patterns is not my favorite part of sewing but this ruler should make the process so much easier! The ruler is also available in 3/8". Check out the video links on Claire's blog to learn more about how to use this seam allowance curved ruler.

sa curve ruler

The ruler is great for pattern drafting, tracing European patterns, making adjustments, adding seam allowances after altering patterns, pattern grading, etc. This is going to be one of those sewing notions that I wonder how I ever lived without! I've already traced a pattern from Weekend Sewing by Heather Ross that I had been putting off because I thought it would take forever. It didn't with this ruler!

Leave a comment below and tell me how you would use this ruler to speed up your sewing!  I will draw a name randomly at midnight CST on Sunday, October 28. This giveaway is open to U.S. addresses only.


  1. It would make tracing those Burda style patterns so much easier! Thanks for a great giveaway!

  2. Wow, what a neat little item. I could use it when changing pattern sizes to a personal fit.

  3. I would love to have this to trace off the Ottobre patterns from the latest edition. Leslie

  4. Wow, I might actually start sewing from my 5 years accumulation of Burda Style. I've thought how useful such a thing would be; so glad someone had the resources to do it!

  5. This ruler is a new tool for me. I'd been using the carpenter's pencils taped together; this will make the process much smoother. Thanks for the opportunity.

  6. What a great invention! I would definitely use this ruler for some of the vintage and Burda patterns I have. You see, they don't have seam allowances! herlittleway at gmail dot com.

  7. I subscribe to Ottobre kids and woman patterns and I love the magazine, but I hate tracing the patterns and adding the seam allowance and your ruler will allow me to do the job faster and more accurate. Thanks again for the giveaway and the blog.

  8. Oh, this looks great! I have Burda patterns, plus some others that I need to trace off/alter a bit - but have put off forever because I knew trying to get around those curves / add seam allowances would be so painful. I have been making little marks every so often and connecting them like dot-to-dots, but not having nearly as much fun as I did doing dot-to-dots as a child! LOL!! I have never seen something like showed in the stores here, I'm a bit jealous LOL!!


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