
Saturday, May 16, 2015


We love seersucker! Can you tell? After I made my grandson's little blue seersucker Jon-Jons for Easter, his auntie decided that she wanted a blue seersucker dress to wear to her Master's graduation. And, of course, I never say no when one of my daughters wants to wear something made by me. She loves classic, timeless designs so we chose McCall's 2401. We loved the wider rounded neckline and the simple lines. I did the usual alterations for her, added white piping to the neckline and armholes, and an invisible zipper in the back. I finished the lining hem a few hours before graduation and she was thrilled!

McCall's 2401 seersucker

Here she is with her sweet nephew who is sporting his pout-pout look for the photoshoot.

seersucker McCall's 2401

McCall's 2401 seersucker

Congrats to Hannah for completing her Master of Science degree in Instructional Design!

Western Kentucky University Master's Graduation 2015